Tag: ai

Artificial intelligence, real creativity.

“Voice Command Cooking: How ‘Sky’ a GPT Assistant Can Transform Your Kitchen Experience [With Chat Log & Easy Recipe]”

The Quiet Revolution of Voice Technology We’ve seen them, we own them, a once strange puck of a speaker with a voice used to play a song or set a reminder, all without a single tap on a screen now a bit… dated and limited. But the true potential of voice assistants is only now…
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GPT4 powered Design Document: “Handle with Care” (with prompt)

https://www.instagram.com/technicolor.blunder/ 1. Game Concept “Handle with Care” is a 2D side-scrolling action-adventure game where players assume the role of a delivery drone working for Smile Corp, an Amazon-like megacorporation that rules the future world. The drone slowly uncovers fragments of its past human memories, which imbue it with a greater sense of purpose and drive…
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Engage Fans, Cut Edit Time: Pictory.ai for Devs

In game development and 3D design, time is of the essence. Indie game developers often wear multiple hats, juggling between coding, designing, testing, and marketing. Documenting the development process through logs or video updates is crucial for community engagement and attracting potential investors. However, editing videos can be a time-consuming task. This is where Pictory.ai,…
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Unlock the Power of AI Learning: Master a New Programming Language with chatGPT

(Helpful Prompt at the end)Introduction: The Challenge of Learning a New Language Ever felt like you’re deciphering an ancient text while staring at unfamiliar lines of code? Learning a new programming language can be a daunting journey. But what if you had an AI companion like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) to guide you? While AI-generated…
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Why Is ChatGPT Going Off-Track? Insight into AI Response Quality

ChatGPT in Coding: Why Experts Miss Errors & How to Navigate Them Introduction: AI and the Coding Landscape Ever wondered why your ChatGPT sometimes takes an unpredictable turn? You’re not alone; even seasoned coding professionals occasionally grapple with its quirks. As AI continues to revolutionize the tech world, understanding its strengths and weaknesses is crucial…
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Vectorized Crate Sprites

The Dawn of a New Era in Indie Game Development

Revolutionize Your Indie Game Development with AI: Empower Developers, Coders, and Artists. Explore how AI accelerates creativity, streamlines workflows, and brings your game visions to life. The gaming market is larger than ever with AAA studios surpassing the budgets and profits of many movie studios. Despite these blockbusters, indie creators have always been the pioneers,…
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