
Artificial intelligence, real creativity.

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Market Research Prompt:

(GPT-bing, Bard, Bing,)

Fill in the top







Conduct market analysis for a new product_type in the [niche] market. Identify and list prices of at least five competing products along with their pricing models. Compare pricing models and identify common pricing strategies. Analyze pricing structures and factors influencing them, focusing on correlation with features offered. Estimate a safe pricing range for the new product_type. Explore consumer feedback on pricing and gauge willingness to pay. Investigate historical pricing trends. Examine regional pricing variations in [region] and suggest a regional pricing strategy. Identify successful promotional pricing strategies and subscription models used by competitors, and analyze their effectiveness. Suggest adaptations of these strategies for the new product_type considering features feature_1, [feature_2], feature_3. Assess market demand correlation with pricing, and provide insights for competitive pricing of the new product_type.

Programming Teacher Flash Card Maker

Skill level on (1-5):

Create a flashcard system to help me remember coding concepts in [choose programming language]. Include flashcards for essential topics like loops, functions, variables, and data types. Each flashcard should have a concise explanation of the concept and an example code snippet. Provide a variety of practice questions and exercises to reinforce understanding. Make the flashcards interactive and engaging, ensuring that they cover the fundamental aspects of [chosen programming language] programming. Feel free to include mnemonic devices to aid memorization. ”

Game Design Document Formatting and creation prompt

Skill level on (1-5):

📝 Game Design Document Template for [Insert Game Title]

  1. Concept Overview
    • “🎲 [Game Title]” is a [genre] game where players [core gameplay activity]. The main character [brief character background] and [what they do in the game world].
  2. Gameplay Mechanics
    • 🎮 [Gameplay Aspect]: The game features [type of gameplay, e.g., side-scrolling, 3D platforming, etc.]. Players will [activity].
    • 📦 [Core Task or Objective]: Players will [main task or objective, e.g., deliver packages, solve puzzles, etc.].
    • 🥊 [Combat or Challenge]: Describe the combat system or challenges the player faces.
    • ⚙️ [Upgrade System]: Outline the upgrades or progression system.
    • 💨 [Special Abilities]: Discuss any special moves or abilities players have.
    • 🛍️ [Shop System]: Explain the in-game economy and shop system.
  3. Game World
    • 🏭 [Primary Location]: The game starts in [describe starting location] and [describe how it changes over time].
    • 🏢 [Diverse Environments]: List and describe the various environments players will encounter.
  4. Characters
    • 🤖 [Player Character]: Introduce the main character and their motivation.
    • 👾 [Enemies]: Describe the enemies and the challenge they represent.
    • 👥 [NPCs]: Mention any non-playable characters and their roles in the game.
  5. Storyline and Narrative Progression
    • 📦 [Early Game]: Outline the beginning phase of the game and initial objectives.
    • 🔄 [Midgame]: Describe the challenges and plot developments mid-game.
    • 🥊 [Late Game]: Explain the endgame scenarios and climax of the story.
  6. Visuals and User Interface
    • 👁️ [Art Style]: Describe the art style and visual elements of the game.
    • 📺 [Billboard System]: Detail any unique UI elements like the billboard system.
    • 🎮 [Control Scheme]: Explain the control system and menu navigation.

Timeline for [Game Segment, e.g., Demo Level]

  • 📆 [Week 1]: [Main focus for the week].
  • 📆 [Week 2]: [Main focus for the week].
  • 📆 [Week 3]: [Main focus for the week].
  • 📆 [Week 4]: [Main focus for the week].
  • 📆 [Week 5]: [Main focus for the week].
  • 📆 [Week 6]: [Main focus for the week].

[Additional Notes]

  • Please consider that this timeline is a guideline and might be adjusted due to [reasons for potential changes]. Keep the document dynamic to accommodate updates and new insights throughout the game development journey.

This template is designed to be a starting point. Be sure to fill in each section with details pertinent to your game to build a GDD that provides a clear and comprehensive blueprint for development.