Engage Fans, Cut Edit Time: Pictory.ai for Devs

Artificial intelligence, real creativity.

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In game development and 3D design, time is of the essence. Indie game developers often wear multiple hats, juggling between coding, designing, testing, and marketing. Documenting the development process through logs or video updates is crucial for community engagement and attracting potential investors. However, editing videos can be a time-consuming task. This is where Pictory.ai, an AI-powered automatic video editor, comes into play as a time-saver and a game-changer.

little $$ for an Editor

Pictory.ai is a leading AI video generator and editor that can translate text into realistic videos, eliminating the need for manual video editing to a great extent

One of its remarkable features is its ability to edit videos using text, making the editing process intuitive and efficient. With simple text commands, game developers can edit their development logs quickly and easily, removing unwanted segments like “oohs,” “umms,” and long pauses, which is perfect for refining webinars, podcasts, and Zoom recordings. This feature can be a boon for indie developers, enabling them to focus more on the development work rather than spending hours on video editing.

Edit Dev Logs Quickly to engage with your community faster

Pictory.ai has an auto-summarize feature that is designed to automatically create short summary videos from longer recordings. It employs advanced AI to identify the key points and generate concise clips that capture the audience’s attention and increase engagement. This feature can be particularly beneficial for creating captivating trailers or summaries of development logs, which can be shared with the community or potential investors. A huge help for me personally editing long rambling videos down to more manageable sizes to edit it with more precision. I find this saves me literal hours per video.

No Time to Juggle Coding Art and Editing!

Now, envisage a scenario where an indie developer is working on a novel game concept and wants to share the progress with the community. They can utilize these tools to quickly create and edit videos of their development logs, summarize long testing sessions, and even convert script or text updates into video format. All these can be done without the need for an expensive studio setup or a steep learning curve associated with traditional video editing software.

Pictory.ai is not just a tool; it’s a companion for indie game developers and 3D artists. By automating the mundane task of video editing, it allows creatives to devote more time to what they love most – creating immersive gaming experiences and stunning 3D art. With the advent of AI tools like Pictory.ai, the future of game development and 3D artistry is not only promising but also exciting.


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